I am excited to apply my understanding of numeracy skill development with my students as they move from concrete to pictorial to use symbols. This will provide a strong knowledge of learned concepts so they can demonstrate flexibility, efficiency and accuracy in their use of numbers.
Albanesi Curriculum Program (ACP)
The Albanesi Curriculum Program is designed for use in the Language Arts and Math curriculum areas. It comes with a workplan booklet and task cards. Task cards "tell precisely which presentations, exercises and materials" are needed for a learned concept—workplan charts list tasks to complete. Learners can self-evaluate their progress, and teachers can monitor student pacing and learning.
To make this resource efficient, I created Workplan charts to include labelled pictures of all the materials (Montessori & non-Montessori) so students can quickly identify materials and parents can know what the materials we work with look like. In addition, some of the charts state the expected learning outcomes.
Albanesi (modified) Mathematics Workplan Breakdown
Grade 1 Mathematics: Charts and Learning Outcomes
Grade 2 Mathematics Work plan charts and Learning Outcomes
♣How can we represent quantities with numbers?
Learning Outcomes
Number Concepts: Numbers 1 – 100
Say the number sequence 0 to 100 by: • 1s, 2s,5s, 10s forward/backward between any two given numbers, with different starting points 0-9; Subitize and name familiar arrangements of 1 to 20 objects or dots; Demonstrate an understanding of counting by: • using counting-on • using parts or equal groups to count sets; Represent, estimate and describe numbers to 20, concretely, pictorially and symbolically and using referents; Demonstrate if a number (up to 100) is even or odd; Describe order or relative position, using ordinal numbers (up to tenth).
Patterns & Relations/Sorting by Attributes
Demonstrate an understanding of repeating/increasing patterns (two to five elements) by: • describing • reproducing *extending • creating *comparing • creating patterns using manipulatives, diagrams, sounds and actions. Translating patterns; Sort a set of objects, using one/two attributes, and explain the sorting rule; Demonstrate, explain and record the meaning of equality and inequality, concretely, pictorially, and symbolically.
♣Data Analysis
Learning Outcomes:
Formulate simple questions to collect data
Collect and classify first hand data
Rep. data in concrete graphs, pictographs, Tables, tally marks, counts, bar graphs using 1-1 correspondence
Describe data in a graph using comparative vocabulary: more, less, most, greatest, least, same, and not the same
Extract information from a table/graph
♣Number Sense
Learning Outcomes
Number Concepts
Counting on/up; forward/backward from 0-100
Visual/verbal counting, one more/less, Spacial Relationships
Understanding Place value, Subitizing, Odd and Even Numbers
Conservation of #’s when sharing or grouping, Estimate quantities using referents
Skip counting by 2s,5s,10s,20,100s
Recognize, build, read and write in numeral and words, and order numbers to 100
The Number Line. Numbers and Money: bills and coins
Telling Time, Concept of addition/subtraction of quantities
Equal sharing with and without remainders; Equal grouping with or without remainders
Fractions: whole/halves/quarters
♣Equality & Inequalities
Learning Outcomes:
Understand Equality and inequality
Represent concretely, pictorially and symbolically
Change inequality into an equality concretely and pictorially
♣Compose and Decompose Numbers
Addition and Subtraction (Compose and Decompose Numbers)
Introduction to add/sub to 18, 20, then to 100
Add/sub strategies: Recognize patterns
Create and solve Word problems involving add/sub
Concepts of addition and subtraction: w/out regrouping
External Links
Mathematics: https://blog.reallygoodstuff.com/11-free-math-sites-for-kids/